Then there was the beautiful Victory Lamp, bearing the greeting, ANNV / NOVM /
FAVTVM / FELICE(M) Annu(m) / nov(u)m
/ fau(s)tum /felice(m) which translates as ‘A happy and prosperous New Year!’ In this case the museum asked for not only the lamp itself, but the mould that made the lamp and the archaetype that was used to make the mould, again providing an insight into the complete making process.

And last but by no means least this set of Pan Pipes, or Syrinx. The brief did not require that the pipes should actually be able to be played, but as I had all the measurements I felt I should at least try, and they do in fact make quite a passable tune, which can be heard here All are now in use at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford
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